With an industrialization unit in Minas Gerais/Brazil, our production line is semi-automatic and receives constant inputs of resources to increase productivity and reduce operational cost.

All the machinery and equipment used in our productive process were developed by our team, leading to low cost of implantation and maintenance, agility and adaptability to meet customized demands and speed to predict and prevent failures.


AALOK works with two families of products, QUANTUM and KÉOPS, covering the following applications:

Aplicações em Iluminação

Know which product is best suited for your need accessing APPLICATIONS.


Reduce operacional costs

  • In electric energy (greater energy efficiency)
  • In maintenance (more equipment Lifetime)

Improve productivity man/hour

  • In operational security (higher color reproduction index)
  • In reduction of failures, absences and accidents of work (greater illumination)
These two factors directly affect obtaining the product-finished and are essential to improving the competitiveness of the business.


We analyze the current situation and plan the future: This is the diference of having commercial and engineering competences to provide lighting projects and services, not just the product itself.

Based on the technical standards of lighting and the customer's goals, we draw up the lighting project without any cost.

Developed by: ADEMAIS